My Mission to Motivate
I’ve been on the mission ever since appearing on Educating Yorkshire to motivate and inspire. Through this keynote speaking profession I’m so fortunate enough to have spoken at a variety of schools, colleges, universities, teacher conferences and more. Below are just some of the places I’ve visited!
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Diana Awards | Leeds
Pictured is Musharaf speaking at the Diana awards in Leeds October 2019. Musharaf was asked to speak about his journey since the series and how he now lives life as a keynote speaker.

Aston Medical School | Birmingham
Musharaf was asked to speak in front of the Medical students at the University of Aston. Mushy described his resilience to never give up and the impact medical professionals have had on his life.

Leeds City College
One of the very first speeches of Musharaf speaking at Leeds City College at a presentation evening. In this picture, Musharaf expressed his attitude towards adversity and how his teachers allowed him to chase his dreams.

Teach First | Leeds
Musharaf’s first of many keynotes delivered to the cohort of newly qualified teachers. In this presentation, Mushy spoke to over 1,300+ teachers at Leeds Arena!

PETA Apprenticeships | Portsmouth
Musharaf’s first keynote in Portsmouth describing how apprenticeships are also other routes to success. Mushy describes how his stammer impacted him in the workplace and how he overcame the hurdle of helping customers in his previous roles prior to keynote speaking.

Gloucestershire University | Cheltenham
Musharaf was asked to speak at Glostershire university. Mushy described his time at university and how he decided to study Broadcast Journalism to find stories of others similar to him and inspire a nation.

NYBEP Breakfast Conference | Bradford
Musharaf delivered a keynote at the annual NYBEP conference. Mushy described once again how the work experience he received in high school allowed him to understand life once leaving school. Mushy stressed how its very important for local businesses to work alongside schools to ensure students get the correct understanding of what to expect when they leave school and also the right mindset to have.

Arthur Terry’s Teacher Conference | Birmingham
Mushy was asked to speak at the Arthur Terry’s Teacher Conference to over 900+ teachers about his life as someone who stammers and the impact teachers had on his life. Mushy described how the series – Educating Yorkshire made him seem cured but in reality, this wasn’t the case at all.

WE Day | SSE Arena London
Mushy was asked to speak at WE Day. A Canadian charity about empowering students to never give up on their dreams. Mushy delivered this keynote alongside his former English teacher – Mr. Matthew Burton. Mushy and Mr Burton received a thunderous standing ovation!

Hawthorn School | Bletchingley
Mushy was asked to be a part of the Awards ceremony at Hawthorn school. Mushy described his journey from being a boy with a stammer to standing center stage at on Educating Yorkshire.

Open University Commercial | London
Pictured is Mushy alongside Mr Matthew Burton taking part of the Open University Advert in London.

ITV Calendar News | Leeds
In 2018, on Musharaf’s Birthday, Mushy was asked to come on ITV to explain his journey over the years and how he began his journey of keynotes speaking.

The Greatest TV Moment of All Time | London
Alongside Mr Burton, Mushy received The Greatest Television Award in 2018 for his finale speech on Educating Yorkshire. Mushy – was given the award pictured by TV presenters – Holly Willoughby and Paddy McGuiness.

BAFTA’s | London
Pictured is Musharaf with world renowned TV presenters Ant & Dec! From the picture you can see, Dec is photo bombing!

RTL German TV | Leeds
A German production company wanted to showcase Musharaf’s transformation over the years. From being a kid with a stammer to now being a keynote speaker. The production company flew from Germany to film a catchup series!

Teach First | Liverpool
Mushy was asked yet again to speak to the cohort of newly qualified teachers at the Annual Teach First conference. Mushy yet again described his journey but also highlighted his new foundlove for journalism. Mushy expressed how if he didn’t receive the support from his teachers, he would have never pictured himself going into university.

The Hodge Hill School | Birmingham
Musharaf was asked to speak to the Year 11 students at Hodge Hill College in Birmingham. Mushy was asked to how life was a youngster having a stammer and how his thinking outside the box mindset allowed him to find other ways of getting his words out.

The Brit Asia TV Awards | London
Mushy was asked to host an award at the annual Brit Asia Awards in Westminster – London. Mushy presented the award in front of over 300+ pop stars including song writer/composer – Steel Banglez.

North Hertfordshire College | Stevenage
Pictured is Musharaf speaking to Year 12-13 students about life after college. Mushy delivered a keynote about what to expect in the workplace and how to always take risks in life.

The Foxfield Primary School | Greenwich
Musharaf pictured is delivering a keynote to the primary school students at Foxfield School in Greenwich. Yet again. Mushy expressed how life was living with a stammer and the jump from junior school to high school.

The Bishop Burton High School | Beverley
Pictured Mushy with the Year 13 students of Bishop High School. Mushy’s keynote was aimed towards choosing the right subjects to study and doing what you enjoy.

Orchard Park High School | Croydon
Pictured is Mushy delivering a keynote to the students at Orchard Park High. Mushy was asked to be part of the presentation evening. Mushy’s keynote described how life is after school and what to expect.

PiXL Teachers Conference | London
Musharaf receiving a standing ovation in front of 900+ teachers at the PiXL conference. Mushy delivered this keynote alongside his former English teacher – Mr Matthew Burton.

City Academy Norwich | Norwich
Musharaf was asked to speak at City Academy Norwich last year. Mushy expressed how teachers helped him to think outside the bubble to achieve his dreams and pursue further education after leaving school.

The Hamara Awards | Bradford
Mushy received the Young Persons Award at the Hamara Award ceremony in Bradford. Mushy received this award after delivering his heartfelt speech to students and teachers at his former high school – Thornhill Community Academy.

The Ferrers School | Northamptonshire
Mushy attended The Ferrers School for a presentation evening to celebrate the successes of the previous Year 11 students. Mushy delivered a talk congratulating the students and teachers for their achievements and reinforced the importance of how through the support from teachers students can achieve their dreams.

The SASH Headteachers Summit | Suffolk
Musharaf delivering a talk at the annual SASH conference in front of headteachers in Suffolk. Mushy explained how not only through the help of one teacher but a variety of teachers allowed him to find his voice. Mushy later in the keynote discussed how to create a positive workplace to help students reach their potential.

Reality Bites | London
Mushy was asked to be part of Reality Bites – a game show presented my magician – Stephen Mulhern. Mushy isn’t a stranger to the public eye of the celebrities. Pictured is Mushy with his co-stars Katie Hopkins, Stephen Mulhern and Emma Wilkinson.

The Education Show | Kent
Pictured is Mushy filming with the marketing campaign on the importance of teachers and their relationships with students for The Education Show in Kent.

The United Conference | York
Mushy was asked to be a part of the United Conference to deliver a talk about how through work experience Mushy realised how life would be after leaving school. Mushy explained how businesses should create strong connections with the education sector to allow students to gain first-hand experience in the workplace.

Gorse Covert Primary Heads Conference | Warrington
Mushy delivered a keynote to the primary school teachers at Warrington. Mushy expressed how in junior school his teachers allowed him to see the bigger picture and chase his dreams.